Genre: Human Drama
Runtime: 92 minutes
Remlala chuan natna khirh tak mai a nei a, a nau Muani chu tihhrehawm a duhloh avangin a zep ta a, a dam chhunga Muani rualawhna hrang hrang tihhlawhtlinsak chu a tum ber a ni, mahse chu chuan an inkarah khi chat a siam ta telh telh zawk a, phone a leisak hnu ngat phei chuan an unau hun hman thin dan te pawh a ti danglam ta dawrh a ni. Mihring kan inhmangaihna kawnga khawvel thil hrang hrangin min pawh then dan thawnthu a ni.
After Remlala is diagnosed with a chronic illness, he decides to keep it a secret from his sister, Muani, to avoid burdening her. Determined to provide her with everything she desires while he’s still alive, he unknowingly causes their bond to weaken over time. Their relationship changes, especially after he buys her a phone, which further distances them. This story explores how material possessions can erode our relationships with those we love.